Alternative Proteins
I found this article to be very significant and wanted to share why.
As many environmentalists have argued, alternative proteins (APs) - proteins made using fermentation, cellular ag and other technologies - have the potential to deliver dramatic global benefits on climate change, land and water use and, as a result, to biodiversity. George Monbiot for example has argued this case very strongly. To date however, many have been at least ambivalent and, in some cases, sceptical.
In this opinion piece key thought leaders in the NGO and think tank community are arguing not just that APs could bring global sustainability benefits but could also undermine corporate control of the food system – akin to renewable energy’s wholesale disruption of the fossil fuel industry. They conclude that with strong and consistent government support APs could benefit small scale and organic producers, create jobs, and significantly benefit public health while also enhancing food and climate security.
This is potentially a powerful turning point in the public debate on food and agricultural transformation - by focusing on the potential for much more radical change than the incremental path we are currently on. Do others see it that way?
Whats the Beef with Alternative Proteins?
Published by Nusa Urbancic, Pieter de Pous, Dustin Benton, Nico Muzi | 23 January 2024