Who’s Responsible for Climate Change?
Who is responsible for Climate Change?
This is a big question but one that is being asked more and more around the world as governments and organisations feel the costs of climate change mount and call for accountability. In the US four states (Vermont, Maryland, Massachusetts, and New York) are attempting to do just that with 'Big Oil' by passing a bill which would require them to contribute to a climate fund based on their past emissions. The demand would have fossil fuel companies pay the states millions for climate impacts through funding of adaptation initiatives. The goal is to replicate another federal act, CERCLA, which held companies responsible for toxic waste dumps and spills. It’s a powerful idea if it takes off, and given its pollution and it’s impact, it’s not hard to see the similarities.
Vermont saw $1 billion in property damage following flooding last year, occurring after the state had begun to act. The bill would force companies who produced 1 billion metric tonnes of CO2 between 2000 and 2019 to pay a share of what CC has cost Vermont, based on their contribution to emissions.
Separately, a draft statement out of the EU stated the intention to call on fossil fuel companies to help fund countries in need of climate adaptation.
As the impacts of fossil fuels increase and the costs mount, it is likely more and more legislation and lawsuits will be pursued. With growing evidence of deception and misinformation from fossil fuel companies, the comparisons to tobacco are also interesting. We know the fossil fuel industry will fight till the very end, but as cases start winning and legislation comes into effect, that end may be sooner than we think.
#ClimateJustice #EmissionsReduction #ClimateFinance