The Cockatoo Chronicles

It Will Get Darker Before The Dawn
COVID 19 is not a ‘black swan’ – a singular, unexpected event. It is the first in a series of what NYT’s Tom Friedman referred to as a ‘herd of stampeding black elephants’ – multiple, predictable and economically catastrophic events. Events that everyone knows are coming but our political and business leaders have consciously chosen not to deal with.
Choices have consequences….

Climate Contagion 2020-2025: So It Begins…
You can pretty much hear it now. It’s like being in a forest and hearing the leaves rustling in the tops of trees, just before the storm hits. Then it comes with a roar, everything shakes, and we look around wondering what will fall – and will it fall on us.
This is how I see the global economy and climate change. Everything is ready, everyone knows it’s coming, we’re just waiting for the storm to hit.
When it does, it will be the climate emergency meets financial contagion. When the global market flips to FOMO – from fear of acting too early, to fear of being left behind as everyone races for the exits.